Wednesday 11 December 2013

Sharing the Planet


We have started our third Unit of Inquiry in Year 1 this week. I am sure the children will enjoy inquiring about the ways in which we share our planet with Animals. The transdisciplinary theme for this unit is Sharing the Planet.

To encourage the children to think about what it means to share the planet and to provoke them to think about the ways in which we share our planet I showed them the youtube clip below. It is an animation created by grade five students that attempts to answer:

Who do we share the planet with?
What do we share?
What are the problems connected to sharing the planet?
What is our responsibility?

I really enjoyed the animation that was created using, Photoshop, SAM animation and windows movie maker and in 1A we will be attempting to make our own towards the end of the unit. Watch this space!

More specific details about Year 1's Unit of Inquiry will follow later this week. Our central idea is that:

Animals have a place in our world and people can care for them in many ways.

Monday 2 December 2013

Typhoon Haiyan

Dear Parents

Thank you to all parents, students and staff for raising $8491 for the disaster in the Philippines caused by Typhoon Haiyan. Ms Choy generously increased that amount to make it up to $15000.

One of my former colleagues works in the Philippines as a teacher and is directly involved in making sure that any funds raised go directly to those that most need them (down to loading bags of grain onto trucks herself). Our contribution will also help rebuild a home and possibly even help get a new Bangka (fishing boat). Karen is raising money through the website below (

Karen has started a blog ( to detail how any money raised is being used.